What is Process Automation

Process automation refers to the use of digital technology to perform a process or processes in order to accomplish a workflow or function. The goal is to automate repetitive, manual, and time-consuming tasks with minimal human intervention, improving efficiency, accuracy, and speed.

Imagine you have a big, long list of simple chores to do every day, like doing the washing up, making your bed, or putting your clothes away. Doing these chores the same way every day can get pretty boring and take up a lot of your time. Now, imagine if you had a little robot helper that could learn how to do some of these chores for you exactly the way you like it done. Once the robot learns, it can do these chores every day without you having to do them yourself.

Process automation is kind of like having that robot helper for businesses. It uses technology to take care of repetitive tasks that people usually do, like entering data into computers, sorting emails, or generating invoices. This helps businesses save time, avoid mistakes, and let people focus on more interesting work.

Unlock efficiency gains for your business

Process mining

Identify candidates for automation through process mapping, analysis, refinement and optimisation.

Process digitisation

Conversion of human elements to digital processes, enabling automation and integration. For example, standardising the subject line of automated emails.

Process automation

Adapt candidate process into an automated workflow, reducing manual intervention and returning productive hours back to the business.

Tools for process automation

Process mining

Identify candidates for automation through process mapping, analysis, refinement and optimisation.

Process digitisation

Conversion of human elements to digital processes, enabling automation and integration. For example, standardising the subject line of automated emails.

Process automation

Adapt candidate process into an automated workflow, reducing manual intervention and returning productive hours back to the business.